PhD alumni

The mission of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship PhD program is to develop scholars who are prepared to assume the diverse responsibilities of faculty positions at leading research universities. Therefore, we provide the necessary support to help our graduates find the best positions within academia, preferably at Research I universities.

Below is a list of recent Department of Management and Entrepreneurship PhD graduates, their current affiliation, initial placements, the title of their dissertation, and the year the degree was awarded.

Alumni and current affiliation PhD Year Dissertation Initial Placement
Anika Poli
2024 Exploring How Professionalization and Economic Motives Impact Perceptions of Authenticity and Suggested Strategies for Maintaining Authenticity Private sector
Kristen Raney
University of Virginia
2024 Too Good to be True? A Grounded Exploration of Negative Attributions in Early-Stage Venture Investment University of Virginia McIntire School of Business Post-Doc
Latifa Albader
2023 Count on it: The Influence of CEO Numeracy on Acquisition Decisions and Outcomes Kuwait University
Chunhu Jeon
Morgan State University
Joohyung Kim
City University of Hong Kong
2022 Understanding how individuals deal with paradoxical tensions through ambivalence theory: The case of technology transfer among federal laboratory scientists Arizona State University Post-Doc
Eunyoung Park
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
2022 An exploration of two forms of distinctiveness in CSR strategy Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Yungu Kang
Hong Kong Baptist University
2021 Management by Originals: The Influence of Inventor CEOS on Firm's Strategic Decisions Hong Kong Baptist University
Fei (Sabrina) Li
Texas A&M
2021 Three Essays on Reputation for Innovation Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Manuel Vaulont
Northeastern University
2021 Examining Forms of Informal Leadership (Non)Emergence and Their Differential Consequences Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
John Bush
University of Central Florida
2020 Thanks for Stopping By! An Examination of the Costs and Benefits of Workplace Intrusions University of Missouri
Virgil Fenters
University of Nevada Las Vegas
2020 Identity Profiles: How Individuals' Multiple Identities Influenced Enactment in a Surgical System ASU Post Doc
Matias Kalm
Tilburg University
2019 Flying High: The Effect of Organizational Status on CEO Perquisites Tilburg University
Ji Koung Kim
Texas A&M University
2019 Sucking-up in Context: Effects of Relativity and Congruence of Ingratiation on Social Exchange Relationships with Supervisors and Teammates Texas A&M
Hudson Sessions
Southern Methodist University
2019 Comforted by Role Continuity or Refreshed by Role Variety? Employee Outcomes of Managing Side-hustle and Full-time Work Roles University of Oregon
Qi Zhu
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2019 CEO Power and Risk Taking – The Perspective of Employment Security Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Rachel Balven
Arizona State University
2018 When people at work go astray, what to say and when to say it: A typology and test of the effect of moral feedback on unethical behavior Arizona State University
Amy Bartels
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
2018 The People’s Choice: Exploring the Role of Collective Endorsement in Dynamic Leadership Relationships University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jisun Kim
University of Mississippi
2018 A Multi-step Model of Boundary Spanning and Absorptive Capacity: The Differential Impact of Board and Top Management Team Experience on the Development of Sustainability-related Capabilities University of Mississippi
Daniel Newton
University of Iowa
2018 Expanding our Understanding of Constructive Voice: Accounting for Voice Function and Scope University of Missouri
John R. Busenbark
University of Notre Dame
2017 Give It To Me Straight: How, When, and Why Managers Disclose Inside Information About Seasoned Equity Offerings University of Georgia
Melissa Chamberlin
Iowa State University
2017 Exploring Supervisor Responses to Employees Who Share Bad News: Why and Under What Conditions are Messengers Shot? Iowa State University
Beth Schinoff
Boston College
2017 Can We Be Coworkers and Friends? An Inductive Study of the Experience and Management of Virutal Coworker Freindships Boston College
Danni Wang
Rutgers University
2016 The Buck Stops Where? Examining Leader and Follower Accountability in Teams Rutgers University
He Gao
Michigan State University
2016 Underlying Mechanism Behind Word Responses in Competitive Dynamics Michigan State University
Hyun-Soo Woo
University of Mississippi
2016 Intra-firm and Inter-firm Agglomeration: The Location Decisions of Multi-Unit Firms University of Mississippi
Jungmin Seo
California State University, Fullerton
2016 The Effects of Relative Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) on Employees; Work Behaviors California State University, Fullerton
Chris Reina
Virginia Commonwealth University
2015 Adapting Leader Behaviors to Achieve Follower Effectiveness: A Mindful Approach to Situational Leadership Virginia Commonwealth University
Brooke Buckman
Florida International University
2014 Employee Authenticity's Influence on Engagement, Coworker Interactions, and Perceived Effectiveness Florida International University
Amanda Lynn Christensen
University of Cincinnati
2014 Feedback, Affect, and Creative Behavior: A Multi-level Model Linking Feedback to Performance University of Cincinnati
Han Jiang
Tulane University
2014 When, How, And So What: Three Essays On Managerial Practices Of Personal Tie Utilization In Organizations University of Memphis
Peter Jennings
Santa Clara University
2013 The Character to Lead: A Grounded Theory Ethnography of Character in U.S. Army Combat Leaders Santa Clara University
Yiwen Zhang
University of Hong Kong
2013 Leaders' Daily Work Demands, Recovery, and Leadership Behaviors University of Hong Kong
Chad Hartnell
Georgia State University
2012 Leadership and Organizational Culture: An Integrative View of Leaders as Culture Creators and Culture as Social Context Georgia State University
Kristie Rogers
Marquette University
2012 Seeing Past the Orange: An Inductive Investigation of Organizational Respect in a Prison Context Arizona State University
Michael Withers
Texas A&M University
2011 Director Mobility: The Role of Human and Social Capital in Board Appointments Texas A&M
Amy Yi Ou
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2011 CEO Humility and its Relationship with Middle Manager Behaviors and Performance: Examining the CEO-Middle Manager Interface National University of Singapore
Benjamin M. Galvin
Brigham Young University
2010 Antecedents and Outcomes of Leader Role Identification University of Washington
Atira Charles
Florida A&M University
2009 An Examination of the Feedback Seeking Behaviors of Black and Hispanic Employees Florida A&M University
Spencer Harrison
2009 Curiosity in Organizations Boston College
Kathryn Jacobson
University of New Mexico
2009 Contextual and Individual Predictors of Counterproductive Work Behaviors University of New Mexico
Carla D. Jones
Sam Houston State University
2009 The Effects of CEO and Top Management Team Heterogeneity on Competitive Aggressiveness University of Houston
Sushil Nifadkar
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2009 Emotions and Newcomer Adjustment University of Calgary
Heechun Kim
University of Cagary
2008 Three essays on international diversification of firms in an emerging economy: Entry and exit decisions Wayne State University
Christine Shropshire
Arizona State University
2008 Interlocking directors, interlocked firms and the diffusion of strategy University of Georgia
Aimee Ellis
Ithaca College
2008 The impact of corporate social responsibility on employee attitudes and behaviors Ithaca College
Robert White
Iowa State University
2008 Toward a more robust theory of agency: Three corporate governance essays Iowa State University
Nathan Washburn
Utah State University
2007 Firm Performance in Strategic Management Research Thunderbird School of Global Mgmt
Katalin Haynes
University of Delaware
2007 Corporate Governance, Formal and Informal Institutions and Strategic Outcomes Texas A&M
Seemantini Pathak
University of Missouri-St. Louis
2007 Compensation Risk Borne by Chief Executive Officers After Refocusing: The Impact of Divestment Intensity, R&D Intensity, and Board Composition University of Houston
David Sluss
Georgia Tech
2006 Generalizing Relational Identification To and From Organizational Identification University of South Carolina
Joshua (Bin) Wu
2006 Efficacy perceptions in teams: Implications for leadership and team effectiveness University of Miami
Thomas Dalziel
University of Cincinnati
2005 The Influence of Boards and Top Management Teams on Corporate Entrepreneurship University of Cincinnati
Robert DelCampo
University of New Mexico
2004 Influences on and determinants of psychological contract evaluation in Hispanic business professionals University of New Mexico
Steve Gove
University of Vermont
2004 Dissertation: The effect of social identification on director involvement in governance roles University of Dayton
David Sirmon
University of Washington
2004 Dissertation: Relative resource weaknesses and strategy: Exploring the performance effects of resource portfolios Clemson University
Molly B. Pepper
Gonzaga University
2004 Boundaryless mentors: Gender differences in the use of computer-mediated communication to receive mentoring Gonzaga University
Marinna Makri
University of Miami
2003 A knowledge-based approach to predicting innovation outcomes of high-technology mergers and acquisitions University of Miami
Fran McKee-Ryan
University of Nevada, Reno
2002 The Personal Meaning of Job Loss: Appraisal and Coping at the Facet Level University of West Virginia
Carlos Alsua
University of Arizona
2002 Goals that empower: The impact of learning and performance orientation practices on psychological empowerment University of Alaska
Scott Johnson
2002 Externalization of employment in a service environment: the influence of identification San Jose State University
Mark Clark
American University
2001 Dissertation: Perceived relational diversity: a fit conceptualization American University
Mel Fugate
Mississippi State University
2001 The role of employability in how people cope with organizational change Tulane University
Glen Kreiner
The University of Utah
2001 On the edge of identity: boundary conflict and workplace fit University of Cincinnati

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