Remembering Michael Goul
We have created a Michael Goul Memorial Scholarship in Business Data Analytics to continue Mike’s legacy as a passionate teacher, mentor, and thought leader in the field of Information Systems.
Mike was our associate dean of faculty and research, a professor in Information Systems, and a dear friend and mentor to many of us. He was also an affiliated faculty member for both ASU’s Institute for Social Science Research and the Global Security Initiative and served on the Biodesign Institute's Internal Advisory Board.
Mike served as chair of the Information Systems department for six years and pioneered the business analytics curriculum in the W. P. Carey School through a new master’s degree in Business Analytics and an undergraduate major in Business Data Analytics.
Most of all, Mike was a passionate teacher and mentor. He reveled in helping early career scholars meet their research goals and could talk passionately and with insight on most any topic.
The family is requesting that donations be made in memory of Mike to support scholarships for undergraduate students in the Business Data Analytics program in the W. P. Carey School of Business.
You can make an online gift here or write a check with the information below.
Checks should be made out to: ASU Foundation / Michael Goul Memorial Scholarship
Memo section: Please include the account number G09207
Mailing address:
The ASU Foundation
ATTN: Cash Receipting
PO Box 2260
Tempe, AZ 85280-2260
Please note that this scholarship will be endowed once it reaches its $25,000 threshold.