W. P. Carey Department of Economics
Welcome to the Department of Economics within the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Our STEM-designated undergraduate and graduate programs rank among the best in the world. We are devoted to excellence in building a solid quantitative foundation for students and teaching theory, applied economics, and econometrics. Department faculty members regularly present and publish their research in multiple fields of economics, such as environmental economics and labor economics. For additional information, please contact wpcareyecn@asu.edu or join our LinkedIn group.
ASU is No. 25 for best economics
academic programs in the world *
ASU is No. 35 for best global universities
in economics and business **
STEM-designated economics degrees
Expanded career opportunities for international undergraduate and PhD students
* Ahead of Brown, Cornell, and Michigan; ShanghaiRanking, 2024
** Ahead of Duke, UCLA, and Fudan University; U.S. News & World Report, 2025
Economics faculty
ASU's economics faculty members are well known for their contributions to various fields of economics. They frequently publish work in prestigious general-interest economics journals and the premier journals for their disciplines. While serving as editors of prominent academic publications and contributors to scientific associations and editorial boards, they also present their research at major institutions and worldwide conferences.
In the last 40 years, the Department of Economics at Arizona State University has become well known for its contributions to various fields of economics, including environmental economics, applied microeconomics, macroeconomics, public finance, labor economics, economics of education, and economic theory.
This year, the department of economics is delighted to welcome the following new faculty: Long Hong (Wisconsin) and Ilia Krasikov (Penn State).
>> Interested in joining our school? Explore job openings at W. P. Carey.
Message from our chair
Economics is indispensable for understanding history, politics, and businesses, investments, work opportunities, and more. Studying economics provides a framework and the tools to understand the world, to make better individual decisions, and to understand the decisions made by others. Read more...
Alejandro Manelli (Chair and Professor, Department of Economics)

PhD in Economics
W. P. Carey aims to prepare economics PhD students to excel and contribute meaningfully to their chosen disciplines. With a multidisciplinary approach, our rigorous doctorate program and small student-professor ratio provide students with the tools and training necessary to produce innovative ideas. We successfully place graduates in academic institutions, government agencies, and Fortune 500 industry roles nationally and globally.
Explore answers to frequently asked questions and learn about PhD qualification requirements before you apply. Reach out to Econ.PhD@asu.edu for support along the way.
Current student resources
Review information about the program, financial aid, and student visas.
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Job market candidates
Learn about our doctoral students seeking employment this year.
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Past PhD placements
See ASU economics doctoral placements since 2008.
Student placements
Master's degree in economics
Designed to develop economic trailblazers, the Master of Science in Economics (MS-Econ) delivers analytical skills and knowledge for the new economy. This STEM-designated degree program is career-oriented and customizable, including flexible elective options, professional preparation, and applied learning experiences led by world-renowned faculty. You'll emerge with a quantitative economics toolkit and perspective for economic decision-making — and unlock new opportunities across industries.
Undergraduate economics program
The Department of Economics offers many opportunities for students to tailor their undergraduate education and experience to their particular interests. Students can obtain a Bachelor of Science in Economics degree either through the W. P. Carey School of Business or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, with both in-person and online classes available.
We offer comprehensive academic and career support to ensure our students can maximize their education and pursue their desired career paths. Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.
Economics degrees
There are multiple ways to earn a bachelor’s degree in economics at ASU.
Explore and apply
Meet with advisors to navigate program requirements and course selection.
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Tutoring center
Receive tutoring in the core classes from professor-nominated Instructional Scholars.
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What can I do with an economics degree?
All business students receive dedicated career support through the W. P. Carey Career Services Center. In addition, we have created and compiled resources to help students navigate what’s next. Our graduates go on to work in many different industries and roles. The most common jobs students pursue are as lawyers, consultants, bankers, academics, analysts, and statisticians.
Lawyers significantly influence economic decisions, making law school a popular path for economics graduates. With strong verbal and analytical skills, economics students typically score higher on the LSAT than students from other academic disciplines.
Career planning guide
Alums discuss how they turned their economics degrees into careers.
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Careers in research
Read our tips for coursework selection and application preparation.
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Assistantships and internships
Peruse job opportunities at federal agencies, universities, and think tanks.
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Economics student awards
Undergraduate economics students are eligible for prestigious awards through the W. P. Carey School of Business and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. We commend students for their excellent academic performance and dedication to serving ASU’s community.
Awards and winnersEconomics research
Economics researchers study resource scarcity and human behavior. They interpret historical trends, explain today’s news, and forecast the future. ASU economics faculty are renowned for their groundbreaking research with real-world applications. Faculty research interests run the gamut, from investigating the impact of potential tax increases to analyzing the probability of cohabitating partners marrying.
Center for Environmental Economics and Sustainability Policy (CEESP)
The The Center for Environmental Economics and Sustainability Policy recognizes the vital need to understand how human behavior and government policies affect sustainability challenges. Our mission is to develop principles for environmental economics, guiding resource management and policy.
CEESP research delves into the effects of environmental policy on older people, the economic mobility challenges of coastal climate change, and more.
Read economics research
Visit W. P. Carey News and W. P. Carey magazine for faculty research highlights, as well as student and alumni stories.
Department news and events
Many researchers from around the world visit the W. P. Carey Department of Economics to present their work at seminars and conferences, teach workshops, and connect with students. All of this translates into high-quality instruction at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Stay in touch
Are you a current student or an economics graduate? Join our LinkedIn group to stay in touch with the Department of Economics community.